Its time for another update of what’s happening onboard the SS Explorer, with the 3rd of our quarterly Technical Bulletins. As you can imagine with Covid 19 there’s still not much happening on the ship itself.
However we are getting ready to be able to open the ship to our volunteers again so work can restart in the not too distant future.
What’s in this edition?
In the Summer edition of the Technical Bulletin you can read about what we have been doing, the 3 year technical plan for work onboard, taking part in the first ever Scottish online STEM summer school, and our ongoing marine archaeology section.
We won a regional flag ship award for our work in bring more of SS Explorer online.
We also took part in the virtual Leith Gala and our Trip Advisor campaign has made a big difference to our ranking.
If you have children at home who are interested in engineering and science then take a look at the Summer STEM Academy, there’s the SS Explorer Marine Engineering Challenge plus loads of other STEM activities for all ages many of which can be done at home.
Important dates
The Societies AGM will be at 12oohrs on the 26th of September and will be via zoom video conferencing. An initial email has been sent out to members.
The Royal Institution of Naval Architects Historic Ships 2020 conference will be held at the start of December, this will also be via zoom video conferencing.
Leave feedback
As always if you have comments or questions about anything in our bulletins feel free to email or leave a comment below.