Our historic ship visitor attraction needs your help. In my deputy chair’s message last month I mentioned the Society was working on ways that our members and volunteers could continue to help and support the SS Explorer during lock down.
Please click to watch my short appeal video below to learn how you can help.
If you have visited the Explorer for a tour or even just generally in the last 2 years you can help. By leaving a review on our trip advisor visitor attraction page you will help to improve our current trip advisor rating. This helps promote the Explorer as a visitor attraction in Edinburgh.
Positive, high quality reviews will have the best impact on our ranking, we are currently 392 out of 450 attractions in Edinburgh.
Click the button below to go to our review page
If you have feedback about your visit, anything you think could be improved, or you felt was missing from your tour let us know. However, please remember the SS Explorer is a work in progress rather than a finished visitor attraction. We are aware of access issues for those with limited mobility and we are investigating solutions to this issue.
We look forward to welcoming many more visitors once we are able to reopen. Once we do we will put out a message on our website and social media pages.
© SS Explorer Preservation Society 2021
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